Which resource would one find the pronunciation of a word?

Which resource shows the synonyms and antonyms of a word?
Which resource provides a list of words and their definitions at the end of a text?

glossary thesaurus dictionary
put the words with their definition

One would find the pronunciation of a word in a dictionary.

A thesaurus shows the synonyms and antonyms of a word.
A glossary provides a list of words and their definitions at the end of a text.

To find the pronunciation of a word, one would typically use a dictionary. Most dictionaries include the pronunciation of words either in written form using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) or with a pronunciation guide using symbols.

To find synonyms and antonyms of a word, one would use a thesaurus. A thesaurus provides alternative words with similar or opposite meanings to the word being searched.

To find a list of words and their definitions at the end of a text, one could refer to a glossary. A glossary is a specialized dictionary that provides definitions of terms used within a specific subject or field. It is often included at the end of a book or document.

When putting words with their definitions, one would typically refer to a dictionary. Dictionaries provide comprehensive lists of words along with their definitions, often using examples and additional information to provide a thorough understanding of each word's meaning and usage.