Jaden has a part-time job working for a landscaping company. He earns $25 for each lawn-mowing job, l, and $20 for each pulling-weeds job, w. This can be modeled by 25l+20w. Evaluate for l=4 and w=6 to find how much money Jaden will earn for 4 lawn-mowing jobs and 6 pulling-weeds jobs. (1 point)

To find out how much Jaden will earn for 4 lawn-mowing jobs and 6 pulling-weeds jobs, we can substitute l=4 and w=6 into the expression 25l+20w:

= 100 + 120
= 220
Jaden will earn $220 for 4 lawn-mowing jobs and 6 pulling-weeds jobs. Answer: \boxed{220}.

To find the surface area of a cube with a side length of 10 cm, we can substitute s=10 into the formula 6s^2:

= 6(100)
= 600
The surface area of a cube with a side length of 10 cm is 600 square centimeters (cm²). Answer: \boxed{600}.

To find out how much Alicia will earn for a job that takes 3 hours, we can substitute h=3 into the expression 65h+100:

= 195 + 100
= 295
Alicia will earn $295 for a job that takes 3 hours. Answer: \boxed{295}.

To find the number of feet the diver is above the ocean in 2 seconds, we can substitute t=2 into the formula 75-16t^2:

= 11
The diver is 11 feet above the ocean in 2 seconds. Answer: \boxed{11}.

To find the cost for a garden that has a length of 4 yards and a width of 3 yards, we can substitute l=4 and w=3 into the expression 1.50(2l+2w):

1.50(2(4) + 2(3))
1.50(8 + 6)
= 21

The cost for a garden that has a length of 4 yards and a width of 3 yards is $21. Answer: \boxed{21}.

To find out how much it will cost Mr. Imani to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks, we can substitute p = 10 and n = 30 into the expression 1.25p + 2.50n:

1.25(10) + 2.50(30)
12.50 + 75
= 87.50

It will cost Mr. Imani $87.50 to purchase 10 packs of paper and 30 notebooks. Answer: \boxed{87.50}.

To find the volume of the square prism given s = 4 and h = 6, we can substitute these values into the formula s^2h:

= 16(6)
= 96

The volume of the square prism is 96 cubic centimeters. Answer: \boxed{96}.

To find out how much Ms. Tanaka will earn for selling 12 televisions this month, we can substitute t = 12 into the expression 2,500 + 100t:

2,500 + 100(12)
2,500 + 1,200
= 3,700

Ms. Tanaka will earn $3,700 for selling 12 televisions this month. Answer: \boxed{3,700}.

To find out how much space Robert will have left for his presentation if he uses squares with 7-inch sides, we can substitute s = 7 into the expression 720 - 10s^2:

720 - 10(7^2)
720 - 10(49)
720 - 490
= 230

Robert will have 230 square inches of space left for his presentation. Answer: \boxed{230}.

To find the cost for a garden that has a length of 5 yards and a width of 2 yards, we can substitute l = 5 and w = 2 into the expression 7(l + 2w):

7(5 + 2(2))
7(5 + 4)
= 63

The cost for a garden that has a length of 5 yards and a width of 2 yards is $63. Answer: \boxed{63}.