The impact of artificial intelligence in higher education using Rogerian method essay


Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on various industries, including higher education. This essay will explore the effects of AI in higher education using the Rogerian method. The Rogerian method encourages open dialogue and understanding between different perspectives, leading to a deeper understanding of the topic.

Opposing Viewpoint:
Some argue that AI in higher education will lead to job losses among educators and reduce the quality of education. They believe that AI cannot replace the human touch and personalization that teachers bring to the classroom.


While it is true that AI cannot fully replace the human element in education, it can effectively supplement and enhance the learning experience. AI technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants can provide prompt and personalized responses to student inquiries, improving efficiency and accessibility.

Furthermore, AI can analyze large amounts of data to identify individual learning strengths and weaknesses, enabling educators to tailor their teaching methods accordingly. This data-driven approach can empower educators to provide targeted support and personalized learning plans, ultimately improving the educational outcomes for students.


Critics argue that relying too heavily on AI technologies may lead to a depersonalized learning experience, removing the human connection between educators and students. They believe that face-to-face interactions and emotional support are crucial for effective learning.


While human interactions are indeed important, incorporating AI technology in classrooms does not necessarily diminish the personalized learning experience. AI can facilitate individualized instruction by providing students with real-time feedback, adapting to their preferred learning styles, and offering additional resources to supplement their understanding. In this way, AI can augment the role of educators and create a more personalized and efficient learning environment.


In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education, when viewed through the Rogerian method, is multi-faceted. Critics argue that AI may lead to job losses and a depersonalized learning experience. However, proponents argue that AI can supplement and enhance education by providing personalized support, analyzing data for targeted instruction, and increasing overall efficiency. By recognizing the merits of both perspectives, educators and policymakers can harness the benefits of AI while also preserving the human connection that is vital for effective learning.

Step 1: Introduction

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education is a topic of great interest and importance. The Rogerian method provides a structured approach for examining different perspectives on a given topic while promoting mutual understanding and finding common ground. This essay will explore the impact of AI in higher education by applying the principles of the Rogerian method.

Step 2: Understanding the Views of Supporters

Supporters of AI in higher education argue that it can enhance the learning experience for students. AI-powered technologies can provide personalized learning opportunities, adapt to individual student needs, and offer immediate feedback. This helps students to learn at their own pace and reinforces their understanding of complex concepts. AI can also automate administrative tasks, such as grading, allowing educators to focus on more valuable aspects of teaching.

Step 3: Understanding the Views of Critics

Critics, on the other hand, express concerns about the overreliance on AI in higher education. They argue that AI cannot replicate the human interaction and critical thinking skills that are necessary for a well-rounded education. Critics also raise concerns about data privacy and the potential for AI algorithms to perpetuate existing biases or discriminate against certain individuals or groups. They emphasize the importance of human educators in providing moral guidance and fostering creativity.

Step 4: Identifying Common Ground

Both supporters and critics agree that AI has the potential to improve educational outcomes when used appropriately and in conjunction with human expertise. They also acknowledge the need for careful consideration of ethical and privacy concerns. By recognizing these common points, a middle ground can be established, focusing on the responsible integration of AI in higher education.

Step 5: Suggesting Strategies for Ethical Implementation

To mitigate the concerns and maximize the benefits of AI in higher education, it is essential to adopt a set of strategies. These strategies may include implementing transparent and accountable AI systems, ensuring data privacy and security, conducting regular audits to identify biases, and providing professional development for educators to effectively utilize AI tools. Additionally, involving stakeholders, including students, educators, policymakers, and industry experts, in the decision-making process can help address concerns and ensure a well-rounded implementation of AI.

Step 6: Conclusion

In conclusion, the impact of AI in higher education is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. By applying the Rogerian method, we can explore the diverse perspectives surrounding this topic and identify common ground. It is crucial to recognize the potential benefits of AI technology while addressing concerns about its limitations and ethical implications. By implementing strategies for responsible integration, higher education institutions can harness the power of AI to enhance student learning outcomes while upholding ethical standards and promoting human skills development.