

To calculate 15 raised to the power of -38, you need to calculate the reciprocal of 15 raised to the power of 38.

Reciprocal of 15 raised to the power of 38 is 1 / (15^38).

15^38 = 2.40822483003 × 10^42 (approximately)

So, the reciprocal of 15^38 is 1 / (2.40822483003 × 10^42).

To calculate this value, simply divide 1 by 2.40822483003 × 10^42.

1 / (2.40822483003 × 10^42) = 4.15217522 × 10^-43 (approximately)

Therefore, 15 raised to the power of -38 is approximately 4.15217522 × 10^-43.