How can you represent 2⋅−15 with a model?(1 point)


negative 15 plus negative 15

15 plus 15

negative left parenthesis 15 plus 15 right parenthesis


negative left parenthesis negative 15 plus negative 15 right parenthesis

To represent 2⋅(−15) with a model, you can use rectangular models or number lines. Here are a few possible representations:

1. Rectangular Model: Draw a rectangle with a length of 2 units and a width of (-15) units. This represents the multiplication 2⋅(-15).

2. Number Line: On a number line, start at 0 and move 2 units to the left (negative direction) by marking (-15) twice. The distance covered represents the multiplication 2⋅(-15).

3. Algebraic Expression: Another way to represent 2⋅(-15) is by using the expression (-15) + (-15). This means adding (-15) and (-15) together, which will give you the result.