½what are the prefixes and suffixes for director, rehearse, costume, melodrama, farce, tragedy comedy that are found in the dictionary

The following are the prefixes and suffixes commonly found in the dictionary for the given words:

- Prefix: No common prefix
- Suffix: -or (e.g. predictor, actor), -ate (e.g. advocate), -or (e.g. governor)

- Prefix: re- (e.g. rebuild, reevaluate)
- Suffix: -se (no common suffix specific to "rehearse")

- Prefix: No common prefix
- Suffix: -ume (no common suffix specific to "costume")

- Prefix: melo- (e.g. melodious)
- Suffix: -drama (e.g. docudrama, psychodrama)

- Prefix: No common prefix
- Suffix: -arce (no common suffix specific to "farce")

- Prefix: No common prefix
- Suffix: -edy (no common suffix specific to "tragedy")

- Prefix: No common prefix
- Suffix: -edy (no common suffix specific to "comedy")

Without altering the word or its spell just adding a prefixes and suffixes to the word


- Prefix: co- (codirector, coproduction), sub- (subdirector, subcommittee)
- Suffix: -ship (directorship, codirectorship), -ate (directorate, directorate)

- Prefix: pre- (prerehearse, preperformance), mis- (misrehearse, misinterpret)
- Suffix: -al (rehearsal, prerehearsal), -er (rehearser, prerehearser)

- Prefix: uni- (unicostume, unisex), multi- (multicostume, multimedia)
- Suffix: -er (costumer, multicostumer), -al (costumal, multicosumal)

- Prefix: para- (paramelodrama, paratheatrical), anti- (antimelodrama, antirealistic)
- Suffix: -ist (melodramatist, antimelodramatist), -ic (melodramatic, antimelodramatic)

- Prefix: multi- (multifarce, multilayered), un- (unfarce, unscripted)
- Suffix: -ful (farceful, playful), -ist (farceist, satirist)

- Prefix: post- (posttragedy, postapocalyptic), auto- (autotragedy, autobiographical)
- Suffix: -ic (tragic, postragic), -ian (tragician, posttragician)

- Prefix: non- (noncomedy, nonfiction), inter- (intercomedy, interrelated)
- Suffix: -ist (comedian, slapstickist), -ic (comedic, nonspecific)

Are these prefixes and suffixes found in the dictionary

Apologies for the confusion. Some of the prefixes and suffixes I provided in my previous response may not be commonly found in the dictionary for the given words. Here is an updated list of prefixes and suffixes that are more commonly found in the dictionary:

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -or (e.g. predictor, actor), -ate (e.g. advocate), -or (e.g. governor), -ship (e.g. directorship, membership)

- Prefix: re- (e.g. rebuild, reevaluate), pre- (e.g. prepay, preheat)
- Suffix: -al (e.g. rehearsal, vocational), -er (e.g. rehearser, performer), -ing (e.g. rehearsing, performing)

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -er (e.g. costumer, performer), -ing (e.g. costuming, performing), -ed (e.g. costumed, performed)

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -ic (e.g. melodramatic), -ist (e.g. melodramatist), -y (e.g. melodramay)

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -ful (e.g. playful), -ist (e.g. satirist), -y (e.g. farcical), -ical (e.g. farcical)

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -ic (e.g. tragic, poetic), -ian (e.g. tragedian, historian), -y (e.g. tragical)

- Prefix: None commonly listed in the dictionary.
- Suffix: -ic (e.g. comedic, academic), -ian (e.g. comedian, historian), -y (e.g. comical, humorous)

The word prefixes and suffixes for the given words according to the dictionary are as follows:

1. Director:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -or

2. Rehearse:
- Prefix: re-
- Suffix: -se

3. Costume:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -ume

4. Melodrama:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -drama

5. Farce:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None

6. Tragedy:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None

7. Comedy:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None

Please note that some words may not have prefixes or suffixes associated with them in the dictionary.

To find the prefixes and suffixes for the given words in the dictionary, we can break down each word into its constituent parts.

1. Director:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -or

2. Rehearse:
- Prefix: re-
- Suffix: -se

3. Costume:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -tume

4. Melodrama:
- Prefix: melo-
- Suffix: -drama

5. Farce:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -farce

6. Tragedy:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -tragedy

7. Comedy:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: -comedy

By breaking down the words into prefixes and suffixes, we can better understand their meaning and how they contribute to the word's overall structure.