What are the homonyms for bias, discrimination, initiation, ceremony, unique, drama, play,plot, character, antagonist, protagonist and perform

Homonyms for the given words are:

1. Bias: Byes, buys
2. Discrimination: Dis-crimination, dis-cremination
3. Initiation: Initia-shun, ini-ti-ation
4. Ceremony: Cere-mo-ny, se-rem-ony
5. Unique: You-neek, yu-nick
6. Drama: Dra-ma, draw-ma
7. Play: Plei, pleh
8. Plot: Plott, ploht
9. Character: Char-act-er, karak-ter
10. Antagonist: Ant-ag-o-nist, an-ta-gon-ist
11. Protagonist: Pro-tag-o-nist, pro-ta-gon-ist
12. Perform: Per-form, pa-form


I apologize for the confusion. Here are the homonyms for the given words:

1. Bias: Byes, buys
2. Discrimination: Dis-crimination, dis-cremination
3. Initiation: Initia-shun, ini-ti-ation
4. Ceremony: Cere-mo-ny, se-rem-ony
5. Unique: You-neek, yu-nick
6. Drama: Dra-ma, draw-ma
7. Play: Plei, pleh
8. Plot: Plott, ploht
9. Character: Char-act-er, kar-act-er
10. Antagonist: Ant-ag-o-nist, an-tag-o-nist
11. Protagonist: Pro-tag-o-nist, pro-ta-gon-ist
12. Perform: Per-form, por-fawrm

Here are the homonyms for each of the given words:

1. Bias:
- BIAS: Refers to a prejudiced view or inclination towards or against a particular person, group, or thing.
- BYES: A homonym in terms of pronunciation but not in spelling, used in sports such as cricket or tennis to indicate that a player is allowed to pass to the next round without competing.

2. Discrimination:
- DISCRIMINATION: Refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, or age.
- DISCRIMINATION: This is a homonym in spelling, but it carries a different meaning. In this context, it refers to the act of making distinctions or differentiating between things or ideas.

3. Initiation:
- INITIATION: Refers to the formal procedure or process to induct someone into a group or organization.
- INITIATION: This homonym can also refer to the act of beginning or starting something, such as initiating a project or process.

4. Ceremony:
- CEREMONY: Refers to a formal event or ritual, typically performed for a special occasion.
- SEREMONY: This is a homonym in pronunciation but not in spelling. However, it does not have a specific meaning in the English language.

5. Unique:
- UNIQUE: Refers to something that is one of a kind, distinct, or unparalleled.
- YOU-NEEK: This homonym is not a word with a recognized meaning, but it sounds like the phrase "you need."

6. Drama:
- DRAMA: Refers to a genre of literature or performing arts that deals with highly emotional or intense situations.
- DRAMA: This homonym can also refer to a specific event or situation that is characterized by conflict or tension.

7. Play:
- PLAY: Refers to a form of entertainment, typically performed on a stage, that involves a scripted story or dialogue.
- PLAY: This homonym can also refer to the act of engaging in recreational activities or participating in games.

8. Plot:
- PLOT: Refers to the sequence of events in a story or a literary work.
- PLOT: This homonym can also refer to a piece of land or a designated area for a specific purpose, such as a garden plot or a construction site.

9. Character:
- CHARACTER: Refers to a person in a work of fiction or a quality that defines an individual's personality.
- CHARACTER: This homonym can also refer to the reputation or moral qualities of a person, such as having good character or strong character.

10. Antagonist:
- ANTAGONIST: Refers to a character or force in a story that opposes or conflicts with the protagonist.
- ANTAGONIST: This homonym can also refer to a muscle that acts in opposition to another muscle.

11. Protagonist:
- PROTAGONIST: Refers to the central character or hero in a story.
- PROTAGONIST: This homonym can also refer to an advocate or supporter of a cause.

12. Perform:
- PERFORM: Refers to the act of carrying out a task, duty, or performance.
- PURR-FORM: This homonym is not a recognized word, but it sounds similar to the sound a cat makes.