Yesterday, Sarah spent 3512

minutes studying for a test. Emma spent 112
times that amount studying for a different test. How many minutes did Emma spend studying? write as a fraction

Emma spent 112 times the amount of time Sarah spent studying. To find the number of minutes Emma spent studying, we need to multiply Sarah's study time by 112.

112 * 3512 = 393,344

So, Emma spent 393,344 minutes studying.

To write this as a fraction, we can put this number over 1:


To find out how many minutes Emma spent studying, we need to multiply the amount of time Sarah spent studying by 112.

Let's calculate it step-by-step:

1. Multiply 3512 by 112:

3512 * 112 = 393,344

So, Emma spent 393,344 minutes studying for her test.

To write it as a fraction, we can write it as a ratio of the number of minutes Emma spent studying to the total number of minutes in a day (1440 minutes):

393,344 / 1440

Therefore, Emma spent 393,344 / 1440 minutes studying, and this can be simplified further if needed.