
Which sum will be irrational?
(1 point)

3 + 2
3 + 2

start root 19 end root plus start fraction 7 over 2 end fraction
Image with alt text: start root 19 end root plus start fraction 7 over 2 end fraction

Start Fraction 18 over 3 End Fraction plus Start Fraction 11 over ten thousand End Fraction.
Image with alt text: Start Fraction 18 over 3 End Fraction plus Start Fraction 11 over ten thousand End Fraction.

–6 + (–3.251)

The sum -6 + (-3.251) will be irrational.


Which product will be rational?
(1 point)

17 point Modifying Above 12 with bar times 33
Image with alt text: 17 point Modifying Above 12 with bar times 33

start root 3 end root times start root 9 end root
Image with alt text: start root 3 end root times start root 9 end root

4 times pi
Image with alt text: 4 times pi

negative start root 20 end root times 15

The product 4 times pi will be rational.


A whole number is added to a number with two digits after the decimal point. To make sure the answer is reasonable, how many digits should the sum have after the decimal point?
(1 point)




infinitely many

To make sure the answer is reasonable, the sum should have 2 digits after the decimal point.


Which of the following cereals is the best buy?
(1 point)

28 oz. of cereal for $4.29
28 oz. of cereal for $4.29

32 oz. of cereal for $4.59
32 oz. of cereal for $4.59

36 oz. of cereal for $4.79
36 oz. of cereal for $4.79

24 oz. of cereal for $3.59

To determine the best buy, we compare the price per ounce for each option.

- For 28 oz. of cereal for $4.29, the price per ounce is 4.29/28 = 0.1532.
- For 32 oz. of cereal for $4.59, the price per ounce is 4.59/32 = 0.1434.
- For 36 oz. of cereal for $4.79, the price per ounce is 4.79/36 = 0.1331.
- For 24 oz. of cereal for $3.59, the price per ounce is 3.59/24 = 0.1496.

Among these options, the cereal with 36 oz. for $4.79 has the lowest price per ounce, making it the best buy.


Which statement about the product is true?

5.5 times StartRoot 5 EndRoot
(1 point)

The product is rational.
The product is rational.

The product is irrational.
The product is irrational.

The product is neither rational nor irrational.
The product is neither rational nor irrational.

There is not enough information provided to answer the question.

The statement "The product is irrational" is true for 5.5 times the square root of 5.


Which of the following are reasonable answers for the product of two negatives and a positive?
(1 point)



Negative 20
Image with alt text: Negative 20

Negative 10

Both "20" and "Negative 20" are reasonable answers for the product of two negatives and a positive.