It was 13°C yesterday, but the temperature changed by -18.6 Degrees overnight. What is the temperature now?

To find the temperature now, we need to subtract 18.6 degrees from the temperature yesterday.

Temperature now = 13°C - 18.6°C
Temperature now = -5.6°C

So, the temperature now is -5.6°C.

To find the current temperature after a change of -18.6 degrees from the initial temperature of 13°C, you need to subtract -18.6 from 13.

Step 1: Subtract the temperature change from the initial temperature:
13°C - (-18.6°C)

Since subtracting a negative number is equivalent to adding a positive number, you can rewrite the equation as:
13°C + 18.6°C

Step 2: Add the numbers together:
13 + 18.6 = 31.6

Therefore, the current temperature is 31.6°C.