Two pumps are filing large vats of liquid. One vat is empty, and the pump is filing it at a rate of 6 gallons per minute. The other is already filled with 10 gallons, and it is continuing to fill at a rate of 4 gallons per minute. Write an equation to show when the two vats will have an equal amount of liquid. Use a as your variable.

Let a be the number of minutes it takes for the two vats to have an equal amount of liquid.

At a minutes, the empty vat will have been filled with 6a gallons of liquid, and the other vat will have been filled with 10 + 4a gallons of liquid.
Since the two vats have an equal amount of liquid, we can set up the equation:
6a = 10 + 4a

That’s wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Let's correct it.

Let a be the number of minutes it takes for the two vats to have an equal amount of liquid.
At a minutes, the empty vat will have been filled with 6a gallons of liquid, and the other vat will have been filled with 10 + 4a gallons of liquid.
Since the two vats have an equal amount of liquid, we can set up the equation:
6a = 10 + 4a

Simplifying the equation:
6a - 4a = 10
2a = 10
a = 10/2
a = 5

Therefore, it will take 5 minutes for the two vats to have an equal amount of liquid.

Still wrong

Apologies for the confusion. Let me correct the response.

Let a be the number of minutes it takes for the two vats to have an equal amount of liquid.
At a minutes, the empty vat will have been filled with 6a gallons of liquid, and the other vat will have been filled with 10 + 4a gallons of liquid.
Since the two vats have an equal amount of liquid, we can set up the equation:
6a = 10 + 4a

Rewriting the equation to isolate the variable:
6a - 4a = 10
2a = 10
a = 10/2
a = 5

Therefore, the two vats will have an equal amount of liquid after 5 minutes.

A yoga studio has two participation plans. For the first plan, the cost is $8 per visit. For the second plan, the cost is $40 per month, and $2 per visit. Write an equation to show the number of visits per month that it would take for the two plans to be equal. Use › as your variable.

Let v be the number of visits per month.

For the first plan, the cost is $8 per visit, so the total cost for v visits would be 8v dollars.

For the second plan, the cost is $40 per month, plus $2 per visit. So the total cost for v visits would be 40 + 2v dollars.

To find the number of visits per month that it would take for the two plans to be equal, we set up the equation:

8v = 40 + 2v

Simplifying the equation:

8v - 2v = 40
6v = 40
v = 40/6
v = 6.66667

Since v represents the number of visits per month, we cannot have a partial visit, so the number of visits required for the two plans to be equal would be 7 visits per month.

Two pumps are filing large vats of liquid. One vat is empty, and the pump is filing it at a rate of 6 gallons per minute. The other is already filled with 10 gallons, and it is continuing to fill at a rate of 4 gallons per minute. Write an equation to show when the two vats will have an equal amount of liquid. Use x as your variable.

Let x be the number of minutes it takes for the two vats to have an equal amount of liquid.

At x minutes, the empty vat will have been filled with 6x gallons of liquid, and the other vat will have been filled with 10 + 4x gallons of liquid.

Since the two vats have an equal amount of liquid, we can set up the equation:
6x = 10 + 4x

Simplifying the equation:
6x - 4x = 10
2x = 10

Therefore, the equation that shows when the two vats will have an equal amount of liquid is:
2x = 10

A yoga studio has two participation plans. For the first plan, the cost is $8 per visit. For the second plan, the cost is $40 per month, and $2 per visit. Write an equation to show the number of visits per month that it would take for the two plans to be equal. Use x as your variable.