Use long division to convert 2 7/16 to a decimal.(1 point)

To convert 2 7/16 to a decimal using long division, we can use the fact that a fraction can be written as the division of its numerator by its denominator.

First, let's write 2 7/16 as an improper fraction:
2 7/16 = (2 * 16 + 7)/16 = 39/16

Now, let's perform the long division:

16 | 39.0000000

The result of dividing 39 by 16 is 2.4375.

Therefore, 2 7/16 as a decimal is 2.4375.

use long division to convert 6 7/15 to a decimal. (1 point)

To convert 6 7/15 to a decimal using long division, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write 6 7/15 as an improper fraction.
6 7/15 = (6 * 15 + 7)/15 = 97/15

Step 2: Perform long division.

15 | 97.0000000

Step 3: As the division continues, we can see a repeating pattern of 100 - 90. This indicates that the decimal representation of 97/15 is a repeating decimal.

Therefore, 6 7/15 as a decimal is approximately 6.466666667 (or 6.46 to two decimal places) with a repeating pattern of 6.

Note: In some cases, it may be necessary to round the repeating decimal to a certain number of decimal places, depending on the desired level of precision.

a pilot if flying an airplane. due to strong winds, the pilot decides to fly 4,000 feet lower to avoid excessive turbulence. it takes the pilot 3.5 minutes to make this adjustment. interpret the quotient to describe the rate of change in the plane's altitude. give your answer to the nearest hundreth, and remember the plane is descending. (1 point)

the quotient that best represents the rate of change in the planes altitude is __ feet/minute

To find the rate of change in the plane's altitude, we can divide the change in altitude (4,000 feet) by the time it takes to make the adjustment (3.5 minutes).

Rate of change = Change in altitude / Time

Rate of change = 4,000 feet / 3.5 minutes

Calculating this quotient:

Rate of change = 1142.86 feet/minute

Therefore, to the nearest hundredth, the rate of change in the plane's altitude is approximately 1142.86 feet/minute.

a fire engines water tank holds 750 gallons of water. if the pump removes 250 gallons of water in 5 minutes, what is the change in the amount of water in gallons in 1 minutes? (1 point)

To find the change in the amount of water in 1 minute, we can divide the change in the amount of water (250 gallons) by the time it takes to remove that amount of water (5 minutes).

Change in amount of water per minute = Change in amount of water / Time

Change in amount of water per minute = 250 gallons / 5 minutes

Calculating this quotient:

Change in amount of water per minute = 50 gallons/minute

Therefore, the change in the amount of water in 1 minute is 50 gallons.