What are the synonyms and antonyms for scene, theme and dialogue

Synonyms for scene:

1. Setting
2. Act
3. Sequence
4. Segment
5. Episode

Antonyms for scene:
1. Whole
2. Entirety
3. Full
4. Totality
5. Entire

Synonyms for theme:
1. Subject
2. Topic
3. Motif
4. Subject matter
5. Message

Antonyms for theme:
1. Irrelevant
2. Unrelated
3. Disconnected
4. Unrelated
5. Independent

Synonyms for dialogue:
1. Conversation
2. Talk
3. Discourse
4. Discussion
5. Chat

Antonyms for dialogue:
1. Monologue
2. Silence
3. Soliloquy
4. Speech
5. Lecture

Synonyms for "scene":

- Act
- Episode
- Sequence
- Segment
- Situation
- Incident
- Picture

Antonyms for "scene":
- Reality
- Outside
- Exterior
- Whole
- Entirety

Synonyms for "theme":
- Topic
- Subject
- Motif
- Concept
- Idea
- Message
- Plot

Antonyms for "theme":
- Irrelevance
- Inconsequence
- Unimportance
- Triviality
- Insignificance

Synonyms for "dialogue":
- Conversation
- Discussion
- Discourse
- Chat
- Exchange
- Talk
- Communication

Antonyms for "dialogue":
- Monologue
- Silence
- Solitude
- Absence
- Noise