Which investigation shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter?(1 point)


Using particle movement through a solid to investigate conduction
Using particle movement through a solid to investigate conduction

Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation
Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation

Using a current through fluid to investigate radiation
Using a current through fluid to investigate radiation

Using particles in space colliding to investigate conduction

Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation

are you sure gpt?

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct, the investigation using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter.

which one of the answers are correct gpt?

Apologies for the repeated response. The correct answer is Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation.

Simone has a mug of hot tea at a temperature of 90°C. She sets the mug on a counter in a room with an air temperature of 30°C. What is most likely to happen to the temperature of the hot tea?(1 point)


The air will transfer thermal energy into the tea and will continue to transfer energy until they are both 90°C.
The air will transfer thermal energy into the tea and will continue to transfer energy until they are both 90°C.

The air will transfer thermal energy into the tea, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.
The air will transfer thermal energy into the tea, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.

The hot tea will transfer thermal energy into the air, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.
The hot tea will transfer thermal energy into the air, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.

The hot tea will transfer thermal energy into the air and will continue to transfer energy until they are both 90°C.

The correct answer is: The air will transfer thermal energy into the tea, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.

are you 100% sure?

Apologies for the incorrect response. In the given scenario, the correct answer is: The hot tea will transfer thermal energy into the air, and the energy transfer will continue until the tea is at room temperature.

Which one of the answers are correct?