Which of the following does not have the same value as the others


The value that does not have the same value as the others is -3/7.

To determine which fraction does not have the same value as the others, we can simplify each fraction and compare them.

Let's begin:

1. Simplifying 3/-7:
- Divide both the numerator (3) and the denominator (-7) by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 1.
- The simplified fraction is -3/7.

2. Simplifying -3/7:
- Divide both the numerator (-3) and the denominator (7) by their GCD, which is 1.
- The simplified fraction is -3/7.

3. Simplifying -3/7:
- Divide both the numerator (-3) and the denominator (7) by their GCD, which is 1.
- The simplified fraction is -3/7.

4. Simplifying -3/-7:
- Divide both the numerator (-3) and the denominator (-7) by their GCD, which is 1.
- The simplified fraction is 3/7.

Comparing the simplified fractions, we can see that the fraction 3/7 does not have the same value as the others. Therefore, the answer is 3/7.