Why is converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in the simplest form.

Converting a decimal or a number expressed in decimals to a fraction can be useful in certain situations because fractions often provide a clearer or more concise representation of a value. Fractions are a way to express numbers as a ratio of two integers, and they can convey information about proportions or parts of a whole.

Simplifying the fraction ensures that it is in its simplest form by reducing it to the smallest possible numerator and denominator, allowing for easier comparison and calculation.

For example, the decimal 0.75 can be converted to the fraction ¾, which represents three-quarters or three out of four parts. This fraction provides a more intuitive understanding of the value and can be easier to work with mathematically.

In summary, converting to fractions and expressing them in the simplest form allows for a clearer and more compact representation of a value, making it easier to understand and work with in various contexts.

To convert a number to a fraction, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the given number. Let's say the given number is x.

Step 2: Write down x as a fraction with a denominator of 1: x/1.

Step 3: Multiply both the numerator and denominator by a number that results in a whole number numerator. This number is typically 10, 100, 1000, or any power of 10, depending on the number of decimal places in x.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction by canceling out any common factors of the numerator and denominator.

For example, let's convert the number 0.5 to a fraction in simplest form:

Step 1: The given number is 0.5.

Step 2: Write down 0.5 as a fraction: 0.5/1.

Step 3: Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10, since there is one decimal place in 0.5: (0.5 x 10)/(1 x 10) = 5/10.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction by canceling out the common factor of 5: 5/10 = 1/2.

So, 0.5 converted to a fraction in the simplest form is 1/2.