Find 6 different companies/organizations that have their brand online and place them on something.

Make sure each brand has their name below.

1. Coca-Cola:

- [Logo of Coca-Cola with the name underneath]

2. Google:
- [Google logo with the name underneath]

3. Amazon:
- [Amazon logo with the name underneath]

4. Nike:
- [Nike logo with the name underneath]

5. Apple:
- [Apple logo with the name underneath]

6. Microsoft:
- [Microsoft logo with the name underneath]

Sure! Here are six companies/organizations with their brand names placed on something:

1. Coca-Cola: You can find their brand on bottles of Coca-Cola.
2. Nike: Their brand can be found on sneakers and athletic apparel.
3. Apple: Their brand is prominently displayed on iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks.
4. Amazon: You can find their brand on delivery boxes when ordering products online.
5. Google: Their brand is displayed on the homepage of their search engine and on various Google-branded products such as the Google Pixel smartphones.
6. Microsoft: Their brand can be found on Windows computers, Xbox consoles, and Office software packages.

Please note that these are just a few examples, and there are many more companies and organizations that have their brand displayed on various items online.