

hopeless; depressing
not giving up
highly respected
graceful; agile


insistent: characterized by demanding or continuous urging or persistence.

Example: The teacher was insistent that all students submit their assignments on time.

menacing: suggesting the presence of danger or harm; threatening.

Example: The dark clouds and lightning gave the storm a menacing appearance.

bleak: (a) lacking vegetation and exposed to harsh conditions such as wind and cold; (b) offering little or no hope; depressing.

Example (a): The landscape in the tundra is usually bleak, with few trees or plants.

Example (b): After losing his job, John felt trapped in a bleak and uncertain future.

lithe: characterized by being thin, supple, and graceful.

Example: The ballet dancer moved across the stage with lithe movements.

prestigious: having a high reputation; honored; esteemed.

Example: Harvard University is considered one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world.