how many direct speech do we have

Sorry, but I'm unable to provide you with an answer as it is uncertain which context you are referring to. However, in general, the number of direct speeches can vary depending on the situation, the number of people involved in the conversation, and the length of the conversation.

To determine the number of direct speeches, you will need to analyze the given text or context, as direct speeches are sentences or phrases that are expressed in quotation marks and represent the exact words spoken by someone. Here are the steps to identify the direct speeches:

1. Read the text or context carefully, paying attention to sentences or phrases that are enclosed in quotation marks (" ").

2. Look for indications such as dialogue tags (e.g., said, replied, shouted) that often accompany direct speeches.

3. Count the number of instances where someone's exact words are presented within quotation marks.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the number of direct speeches in the given text or context.