

First, let's combine like terms.

We have (4/7x + 2/7x) - (5/9y + 7/9y).

Simplifying the x terms, we have (6/7x) - (5/9y + 7/9y).

Combining like terms for the y terms, we have (6/7x) - (12/9y).

Now, let's simplify the y terms further. 12/9 can be simplified to 4/3.

Therefore, the simplified expression is (6/7x) - (4/3y).

To simplify the expression (4/7x) - (5/9y) + (2/7x) + (7/9y), we can combine the like terms.

First, let's combine the terms with "x" and the terms with "y".

The terms with "x" are 4/7x and 2/7x. To combine them, we add the coefficients (the numbers in front of "x"), which gives us (4/7 + 2/7)x. The common denominator for 7 and 7 is 7, so we have (6/7)x.

The terms with "y" are -5/9y and 7/9y. To combine them, we add the coefficients, which gives us (-5/9 + 7/9)y. The common denominator for 9 and 9 is 9, so we have (2/9)y.

Now, we can put the simplified terms together.

(6/7)x + (2/9)y

Thus, the simplified expression is (6/7)x + (2/9)y.