What is the number in scientific notation?


The number 0.0765 in scientific notation is 7.65 x 10^-2.

what is

7.65 x 10^-2.

The number 7.65 x 10^-2 in standard notation is 0.0765.

What is 965,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation?

The number 965,000,000,000,000 in scientific notation is 9.65 x 10^14.

What is 8.61×10−8 in decimal form?

The number 8.61×10−8 in decimal form is 0.0000000861.

What is the number in standard form?


The number 7.053×10^6 in standard form is 7,053,000.

What is the standard form of the number shown in this calculator display?
