is 4.589 a rational number or irrational number

The number 4.589 is a rational number.

is 1.732... a rational number or irrational number

The number 1.732... is an irrational number. It is commonly known as the square root of 3 (√3).

.666666666666666 an rational or irrational number

The number .666666666666666 is a rational number. It can be expressed as the fraction 2/3.

.022022022022 an rational or irrational number

The number .022022022022... is a rational number. It can be expressed as the fraction 22/999.

what kind of number is 0

The number 0 is classified as an integer. It is neither a rational nor an irrational number, as it cannot be expressed as a fraction and it does not have a non-terminating or non-repeating decimal representation.

is 0 a whole number

Yes, 0 is considered a whole number. Whole numbers include all non-negative integers, which are numbers without fractional or decimal parts. 0 is included in this set as it is an integer and does not have a decimal or fractional component.

what number is the square root of 81

The square root of 81 is 9.

is the square root of 81 a whole number

Yes, the square root of 81 is a whole number.

is the square root of 16 a irrational number

No, the square root of 16 is not an irrational number. The square root of 16 is 4, which is a rational number.

is the square root of 5 an irrational number

Yes, the square root of 5 is an irrational number. It cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers, and its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating.

is the square root of 81 a natural number

Yes, the square root of 81 is a natural number. The square root of 81 is 9, and natural numbers are positive integers.

is the square root of 81 a integers number

Yes, the square root of 81 is an integer. The square root of 81 is 9, and integers include both positive and negative whole numbers.

is the square root of 81 a rational number

Yes, the square root of 81 is a rational number. The square root of 81 is 9, and 9 can be expressed as the fraction 9/1.

is the square root of 81 a irrational number

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. The square root of 81 is not an irrational number. It is a rational number since it can be expressed as a whole number, 9.

is the square root of 81 a real number

Yes, the square root of 81 is a real number. All whole numbers, including 9 (which is the square root of 81), are considered real numbers.

is the square root of 3 a natural number.

is the square root of 3 a whole number.
is the square root of 3 an integer number.
is the square root of 3 a rational number.
is the square root of 3 an irrational number.
is the square root of 3 a real number.

No, the square root of 3 is not a natural number. Natural numbers are positive whole numbers, and the square root of 3 is not a whole number.

No, the square root of 3 is not a whole number. Whole numbers include natural numbers along with zero, and the square root of 3 is not a whole number.

No, the square root of 3 is not an integer. Integers include all whole numbers and their negative counterparts, and the square root of 3 is not an integer.

Yes, the square root of 3 is an irrational number. It cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers, and its decimal representation goes on forever without repeating.

Yes, the square root of 3 is an irrational number.

Yes, the square root of 3 is a real number. It falls within the set of all real numbers.

is 0 a natural number?

is 0 a whole number?
is 0 an integer number?
is 0 a rational number?
is 0 an irrational number?
is 0 a real number?

No, 0 is not a natural number. Natural numbers are positive integers, and 0 does not fall into this category.

Yes, 0 is a whole number. Whole numbers include natural numbers along with zero.

Yes, 0 is an integer. Integers include all whole numbers and their negative counterparts.

Yes, 0 is a rational number. It can be expressed as the fraction 0/1.

No, 0 is not an irrational number. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers, and 0 can be expressed as the fraction 0/1.

Yes, 0 is a real number. It falls within the set of all real numbers.

is -13 a natural number?

is -13 a whole number?
is -13 an integer number?
os -13 a rational number?
is -13 an irrational number?
is -13 a real number ?

No, -13 is not a natural number. Natural numbers are defined as positive integers, and -13 is a negative number.

No, -13 is not a whole number. Whole numbers include natural numbers along with zero, and -13 is not a whole number.

Yes, -13 is an integer. Integers include all whole numbers and their negative counterparts.

Yes, -13 is a rational number. It can be expressed as the fraction -13/1.

No, -13 is not an irrational number. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers, and -13 can be expressed as the fraction -13/1.

Yes, -13 is a real number. It falls within the set of all real numbers.

is 1.2 a natural number?

is 1.2 a whole number?
is 1.2 an integer number?
is 1.2 a rational number?
is 1.2 an irrational number?
is 1.2 a real number?

No, 1.2 is not a natural number. Natural numbers are positive integers, and 1.2 is not an integer.

No, 1.2 is not a whole number. Whole numbers include natural numbers along with zero, and 1.2 is not a whole number.

No, 1.2 is not an integer. Integers include all whole numbers and their negative counterparts, and 1.2 is not an integer.

Yes, 1.2 is a rational number. It can be expressed as the fraction 6/5.

No, 1.2 is not an irrational number. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers, and 1.2 can be expressed as the fraction 6/5.

Yes, 1.2 is a real number. It falls within the set of all real numbers.

Express 16

as a repeating decimal. Mark the cycle of the repeating digits with a bar¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

To express 16 as a repeating decimal, we can write it as 16.000... with a repeating decimal of 0. The repeating bar is placed over the 0, indicating that the decimal part consists of an infinite sequence of 0's. Thus, 16 can be expressed as 16.0¯¯¯¯¯¯.

for the inequality _________ >6, which numbers listed below make the inequality true?

the square root of 83
the square root of 25

To identify which numbers make the inequality _________ > 6 true, we can evaluate the given numbers and check if they are greater than 6.

Given numbers:
1. The square root of 83 ≈ 9.1104. This number is greater than 6, so it makes the inequality true.
2. -2.6 is less than 6, so it does not make the inequality true.
3. 0 is equal to 6, so it does not make the inequality true.
4. The square root of 25 is 5, which is less than 6, so it does not make the inequality true.

Therefore, only the square root of 83 makes the inequality _________ > 6 true.

List the following numbers in order from least (top) to greatest (bottom).

the square root of 80
the square root of 16

To list the numbers in order from least to greatest, we will compare their values:

1. 19/2 ≈ 9.5
2. The square root of 80 ≈ 8.944
3. The square root of 16 = 4
4. 8
5. 9.4

In order from least to greatest:
4 < 8 < 9.4 < 19/2 ≈ 9.5 < √80 ≈ 8.944

(8x1000)+(6x100)+(2x10)+(4x1)+(3x1/100) as a decimal number