Use the graph to determine the number of centimeters in 1 inch.

(1 point)
There are
centimeters in 1 inch.

(1, 2.54), (2, 5.08), (3, 7.62), and (4, 10.16)

From the given graph, we can see that as the x-coordinate (representing inches) increases by 1, the y-coordinate (representing centimeters) increases by 2.54.

Therefore, there are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch.

The graph displays the number of points scored and the number of basketball games played. Determine the average points per game.

(1 point)
An average of
points were scored per game.

(3, 56), (5,150) and (7, 203)

To determine the average points per game, we need to divide the total points scored by the number of games played.

The total points scored is the sum of all the points on the graph. From the given points, we have:

(3, 56), (5, 150), and (7, 203)

So the total points scored is 56 + 150 + 203 = 409.

The number of games played is the difference between the highest and lowest x-coordinates, plus 1. In this case, it's 7 - 3 + 1 = 5.

Therefore, the average points per game is 409 / 5 = 81.8.

So, an average of 81.8 points were scored per game.

Two options for passes to ride public transportation are displayed in the graphs. Is Option A or Option B the better buy? Choose 1 for Option A and 2 for Option B.

(1 point)
is the better buy.

To determine which option is the better buy, we need to compare the cost and the number of rides for each option. However, the graphs or specific information about the options and their costs and number of rides are not provided. Please provide the necessary information or clarify the question further in order to determine which option is the better buy.

A: (7,21), (14, 42) and (21,63)

B: (5,20), (10,40) and (15,60)

To determine which option is the better buy, we need to compare the cost per ride for options A and B.

For option A, we can calculate the cost per ride by dividing the cost (y-coordinate) by the number of rides (x-coordinate) at each point:

At (7, 21): 21 / 7 = 3
At (14, 42): 42 / 14 = 3
At (21, 63): 63 / 21 = 3

So, the cost per ride for option A is $3.

For option B, we can follow the same calculations:

At (5, 20): 20 / 5 = 4
At (10, 40): 40 / 10 = 4
At (15, 60): 60 / 15 = 4

So, the cost per ride for option B is $4.

Comparing the two options, we can see that option A has a lower cost per ride ($3) compared to option B ($4).

Therefore, Option A (1) is the better buy.