Elements of Art Quiz ANSWERS:

1. Value
2. depicted as having human characteristics or form
3. Texture
4. Space
5. materials with a flat surface that artists draw or paint on
6. birds in flight
7. shape
8. A leaf
9. line
10. Color

These are the answers to the Elements of Art Quiz:

1. Value - Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color, or the range of values from black to white.
2. Form - Form is depicted as having human characteristics or form. It refers to the three-dimensional quality of an object.
3. Texture - Texture refers to the tactile quality or surface characteristics of an object, which can be rough, smooth, or somewhere in between.
4. Space - Space is the area around, between, or within objects. It can be depicted as positive or negative space, and it helps create depth and perspective in a work of art.
5. Canvas - Canvas is a material with a flat surface that artists draw or paint on.
6. Aerial Perspective - Aerial perspective refers to the technique of creating the illusion of distance by using color and tone to depict objects that are further away as lighter, less detailed, and bluer.
7. Shape - Shape refers to the outline or silhouette of an object, whether it is two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D).
8. Organic Shape - An organic shape is a shape that is derived from natural forms, such as the shape of a leaf.
9. Line - Line is a mark made on a surface with a defined length and direction. It is a fundamental element of art and can be used to create form, texture, and implied movement.
10. Color - Color refers to the visual sensation produced by different wavelengths of light. It is one of the most powerful and expressive elements of art, and it can create mood, convey meaning, and evoke emotion.

11. form

12. composition
13. perspective
14. balance
15. contrast
16. pattern
17. movement
18. unity
19. proportion
20. emphasis