The forestry service’s plan to eradicate invasive wildlife involves first identifying the harmful species and then making the habitat less hospitable to them.

What kind of context clue allows you to define the word eradicate?

(1 point)

an explanation of the word’s meaning
an explanation of the word’s meaning

a word with the same meaning
a word with the same meaning

a word with the opposite meaning
a word with the opposite meaning

an example that illustrates the word’s meaning

a word with the opposite meaning

The leader's infectious laugh spreads good cheer throughout his team, creating a jovial and amiable atmosphere.

How does adding -ous to change infect to infectious change the word's part of speech

The leader's infectious laugh spreads good cheer throughout his team, creating a jovial and amiable atmosphere.

How does adding -ous to change infect to infectious change the word's part of speech

The context clue that allows you to define the word "eradicate" is "making the habitat less hospitable to them." This phrase suggests that the forestry service wants to completely eliminate or get rid of the harmful species. Therefore, the definition of "eradicate" in this context is to completely remove or eliminate.

The context clue that allows you to define the word "eradicate" is a word with the opposite meaning. In the sentence, it mentions that the plan is to "eradicate invasive wildlife." The word "eradicate" suggests the action of completely eliminating or getting rid of something. Therefore, it can be inferred that the opposite of "eradicate" would be to preserve or allow to exist.