make -21/14 a mixed number

To convert -21/14 into a mixed number, we divide the numerator (-21) by the denominator (14) and find the quotient and the remainder:

-21 ÷ 14 = -1 with a remainder of -7

The quotient becomes the whole number of the mixed number, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fractional part. The denominator remains the same. Therefore, the mixed number would be:

-1 -7/14

Simplifying the fraction -7/14, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 7:

-1 -1/2

So, -21/14 as a mixed number is -1 -1/2.

To convert the improper fraction -21/14 to a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the whole number
Divide the numerator (-21) by the denominator (14) to find the whole number. The division is: -21 ÷ 14 = -1.

Step 2: Determine the new numerator
Multiply the whole number (-1) by the denominator (14) and subtract the result from the numerator (-21). The calculation is: -21 - (-1 * 14) = -21 - (-14) = -21 + 14 = -7.

Step 3: Write the mixed number
Combine the whole number (from Step 1) and the new numerator (from Step 2) with the original denominator. So, the mixed number is: -1 -7/14.

Therefore, -21/14 as a mixed number is -1 -7/14.