Which statement from the passage supports the idea that no matter where a person lives, their individualism doesn't change? (AKS 10)

1 point
"But for many South Asian communities, a home isn't just where you are, it's who you are."
"'The script is a familiar one: you move out of your parents' house, maybe go to college, get a place of your own..."
"...they have determinate, mutual effects upon each other because they are part of a single, interactive system."
"People and the places where they reside are engaged in a continuing set of exchanges"

"People and the places where they reside are engaged in a continuing set of exchanges"

Which statement expresses the central idea that supports the title of the text? (AKS 11)

1 point
"My house is a shrine to my homes"
"We ask, not just to place a pushpin for them in our mental map of acquaintances, but because we recognize that the answer tells us something important about them."
"In the modern Western world, perceptions of home are consistently colored by factors of economy and choice."
"I can't possibly live everywhere I once labeled home, but I can frame these places on my walls."

"I can't possibly live everywhere I once labeled home, but I can frame these places on my walls."

What is the author's overall central idea? (AKS 11)

1 point
Many people move around too much therefore a person is not defined by where they live.
Home is where the heart is.
The idea of home is based on how clean a house is, the décor, and if the lawn is kept.
The concept of home is complex because there are many components on what makes a place a home.

The concept of home is complex because there are many components on what makes a place a home.

Why does the author end the passage with the following sentence? (AKS 14)

"And whether or not we are always aware of it, a home is a home because it blurs the line between the self and the surroundings, and challenges the line we try to draw between who we are and where we are."
1 point
The author is concluding the passage by providing a final thought on their claim.
The author is concluding the passage by leaving the readers to ponder their own ideas of home.
The author is concluding the passage by stating why their idea of home is correct.
The author is concluding the passage by examining other perspectives on the ideas of home.

The author is concluding the passage by providing a final thought on their claim.

PART A: What writing technique did the author use for the introductory paragraph? (AKS 14)

1 point
Made a comparision
Gave an example/anecdote
Addressed the reader directly
Incorporated humor

The author used the writing technique of addressing the reader directly in the introductory paragraph.

Why does the author include paragraph 3 in the passage? (AKS 14)

1 point
The author uses a quote from a researcher to justify why people decorate their homes.
The authors uses a quote from a researcher to recommend that the reader decorate their home.
The author uses a quote from a researcher to remind the reader to decorate for the upcoming season.
The author uses a quote from a researcher to suggest that decorating a home makes people happy.