Which of the following is an example of pronoun antecedent agreement?(1 point)


The birds flew away with his nest.
The birds flew away with his nest.

The flowers bloomed in her garden.
The flowers bloomed in her garden.

The cat chased their tail.
The cat chased their tail.

The dog wagged its tail.
The dog wagged its tail.

The dog wagged its tail.

The correct example of pronoun antecedent agreement is:

The dog wagged its tail.

The correct example of pronoun antecedent agreement is:

The dog wagged its tail.

To determine which sentence demonstrates pronoun antecedent agreement, we need to understand what pronoun antecedent agreement means. Pronouns are words that replace nouns, while antecedents are the nouns that pronouns refer to. In pronoun antecedent agreement, the pronoun must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender with its antecedent.

Let's analyze the given options:

1. The birds flew away with his nest.
2. The flowers bloomed in her garden.
3. The cat chased their tail.
4. The dog wagged its tail.

In option 1, "birds" is plural, and "his" is singular, so there is a disagreement in number. This sentence does not demonstrate pronoun antecedent agreement.

In option 2, "flowers" is plural, and "her" is singular, so there is again a disagreement in number. This sentence does not demonstrate pronoun antecedent agreement either.

In option 3, "cat" is singular, and "their" is plural, so there is a disagreement in both number and gender. This sentence does not demonstrate pronoun antecedent agreement.

Finally, in option 4, "dog" is singular, and "its" is also singular, matching in both number and gender. This sentence demonstrates pronoun antecedent agreement.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The dog wagged its tail.