in seret river whihc section cn i find this he was the same as the ants and flies, a hazard of the place that had to be dealt with,”

The quote "he was the same as the ants and flies, a hazard of the place that had to be dealt with" can be found in Section 3 of the novel "Secret River" written by Kate Grenville.

To find the section in the book "Seret River" where the quote "he was the same as the ants and flies, a hazard of the place that had to be dealt with," you will need to follow these steps:

1. Locate your copy of the book "Seret River."
2. Open the book to the table of contents.
3. Look for a section or chapter that mentions the quote or the theme of hazards in the place.
4. Once you find the relevant section or chapter, turn to that page.
5. Scan the text on that page or the surrounding pages to locate the specific quote.

Remember, the exact location may vary depending on the edition or version of the book you have.