Using table evaluate e4√0.007

To evaluate e^4√0.007, we can first find the value of √0.007 and then raise e to the power of that value.

√0.007 ≈ 0.08367

Next, we can raise e (approximately 2.71828) to the power of 0.08367:

e^0.08367 ≈ 1.0873

Therefore, e^4√0.007 ≈ 1.0873.

To evaluate e^(4√0.007), we can create a table and calculate the exponential values for various values of 4√0.007.

Let's start by finding the values of 4√0.007:

Let's consider the following values for 4√0.007:
x = 0.007

We can calculate the value of 4√0.007 for x = 0.007:

4√0.007 = 4 * (√0.007) = 0.052915026227816

Now, let's calculate the exponential values for 4√0.007:

Using the exponential function e^x, we can plug in values of 4√0.007 into the equation:

e^(4√0.007) = e^(0.052915026227816)

Using a calculator, we can find the exponential value:

e^(0.052915026227816) ≈ 1.054043

Therefore, after evaluating e^(4√0.007), we find that the approximate value is 1.054043.