How did legalism help shi Huangdi centralized Qin power?

A. It declared the man's nature is good and is best governed by a virtuous and bear ruler
B. It emphasized that the strength of a ruler rather than his goodness was more important
C. It maintained that only a greedy ruler could set a strong and convincing example for people
D. It asserted that people are greedy and only tough laws and punishment can maintain order

D. It asserted that people are greedy and only tough laws and punishment can maintain order

The correct answer is D. Legalism asserted that people are greedy and that only tough laws and punishment can maintain order. Legalism was a philosophy that Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, adopted to centralize Qin power. This philosophy believed that people were inherently selfish and that strict laws and harsh punishment were necessary to control them and maintain social order. By implementing legalist principles, Shi Huangdi was able to consolidate his power and establish a centralized government in which the emperor's authority was absolute.