which number is equal to 7(3.5 times 10^4) written in scientific notation?

24.5 times 70^4
2.45 times 10^5
24.5 times 10^5
1.05times 10^5

The number that is equal to 7(3.5 times 10^4) written in scientific notation is 2.45 times 10^5.

To express 7(3.5 times 10^4) in scientific notation, we can multiply 7 by 3.5 and keep the same exponent of 10.

7 times 3.5 is 24.5.

Therefore, the number equal to 7(3.5 times 10^4) in scientific notation is 2.45 times 10^5.

So the correct option is: 2.45 times 10^5.