
A car is driving at a speed of 60 mi/h. What is the speed of the car in feet per minute?

5,280 ft/min

2,580 ft/min

3,600 ft/min

316,800 ft/min

To convert from miles per hour to feet per minute, we can use the following conversion factors:

1 mile = 5,280 feet

1 hour = 60 minutes

So, the speed of the car in feet per minute is:

60 mi/h * 5,280 ft/mi / 1 h / 1 min = 316,800 ft/min

Therefore, the speed of the car in feet per minute is 316,800 ft/min.

To convert miles per hour (mi/h) to feet per minute (ft/min), you need to multiply the speed by a conversion factor.

The conversion factor for this conversion is 5280 ft/mile and 60 min/hour.

Therefore, the speed of the car in feet per minute is calculated as follows:

60 mi/h * 5280 ft/mi * 1 hour/60 min = 5280 ft/min

So, the speed of the car in feet per minute is 5280 ft/min.