In 3–5 sentences, answer the following question: Why did European trade lead to greater global interdependence?

European trade led to greater global interdependence because it facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between Europe and other regions of the world. The establishment of trade routes, such as the Silk Road and the transatlantic trade, allowed for the movement of goods and resources across long distances. This interconnectedness between different regions fostered economic interdependency, as well as the spread of knowledge and technology. Additionally, European trade also resulted in the colonization and establishment of European power in various parts of the world, further deepening global interdependence.

European trade led to greater global interdependence due to several factors. Firstly, the establishment of colonial empires by European powers allowed for the exchange of goods, resources, and ideas between different parts of the world. This led to the creation of interconnected trading networks spanning continents. Additionally, European trade introduced new crops, technologies, and manufacturing techniques to other regions, transforming local economies and societies. Finally, the expansion of European trade also necessitated the development of financial systems, such as banking and credit, that further facilitated global economic integration.