Introducing a Topic Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items
Amelia is writing an informative text about how to make a paper airplane. The audience is 10 to 14-year-olds. Which hook would best grab the reader's attention?(1 point)

Paper was invented in China, so many historians credit the Chinese with inventing the very first paper airplane.
Paper was invented in China, so many historians credit the Chinese with inventing the very first paper airplane.

Math class. The dinner table. Your little brother’s T-ball game. What if I told you that you could make all of these places much more exciting with a simple piece of paper?
Math class. The dinner table. Your little brother’s T-ball game. What if I told you that you could make all of these places much more exciting with a simple piece of paper?

There are many different ways that you can make a paper airplane.
There are many different ways that you can make a paper airplane.

Lift. Gravity. Force. What if I told you that you could teach all of these concepts to your students with a single piece of paper?

pick the right anwser

The correct answer is:

Math class. The dinner table. Your little brother’s T-ball game. What if I told you that you could make all of these places much more exciting with a simple piece of paper?

Did you know that some monkeys in Thailand teach their young to floss? If monkeys can do it, then so can we! It is so important to teach our children healthy habits when it comes to oral hygiene. There are many simple strategies you can use when teaching young kids to brush, floss, and make healthy choices about eating and drinking.

Who is the intended audience?

(1 point)

parents of young children
parents of young children

the staff of a dentist's office
the staff of a dentist's office

scientists who study monkeys
scientists who study monkeys

children who are just learning to brush and floss

pick the right anwser

The intended audience is:

parents of young children

Introducing a Topic Quick Check

4 of 54 of 5 Items

Use the following introductory paragraph to answer the question.

Did you know that some monkeys in Thailand teach their young to floss? If monkeys can do it, then so can we! It is so important to teach our children healthy habits when it comes to oral hygiene. There are many simple strategies you can use when teaching young kids to brush, floss, and make healthy choices about eating and drinking.

Which words describe the tone of the paragraph?

(1 point)

optimistic and encouraging
optimistic and encouraging

formal and academic
formal and academic

detached and objective
detached and objective

accusatory and harsh

pick the right anwser

The tone of the paragraph is:

optimistic and encouraging

The best hook that would grab the reader's attention is "Math class. The dinner table. Your little brother’s T-ball game. What if I told you that you could make all of these places much more exciting with a simple piece of paper?"

The answer is:

Math class. The dinner table. Your little brother’s T-ball game. What if I told you that you could make all of these places much more exciting with a simple piece of paper?

To choose the correct answer, you need to analyze which hook would best grab the reader's attention. In this case, the hook that mentions making everyday places more exciting with a simple piece of paper is likely to intrigue the target audience of 10 to 14-year-olds. It presents an interesting and relatable scenario that would capture their attention.