Identify the cultural role of the Greek god Zeus, the supreme deity Greeks worshipped.(1 point)


Greeks dedicated festivals featuring athletic competitions to Zeus.
Greeks dedicated festivals featuring athletic competitions to Zeus.

The Greeks dedicated festivals featuring theatrical performances to Zeus.
The Greeks dedicated festivals featuring theatrical performances to Zeus.

People and soldiers would pray to Zeus for a safe return from war.
People and soldiers would pray to Zeus for a safe return from war.

The Greeks would pray to Zeus to find love.

Which of the following summarizes Greek literature during the Classical period?(1 point)


Classical period literature mainly centered on tragedies and comedies.
Classical period literature mainly centered on tragedies and comedies.

Stories during the Classical period were mainly told through oral tradition.
Stories during the Classical period were mainly told through oral tradition.

Authors copied comedic plays that were written during the Archaic period.
Authors copied comedic plays that were written during the Archaic period.

Classical period authors wrote mostly about myths and deities.
Classical period authors wrote mostly about myths and deities.

Classical period literature mainly centered on tragedies and comedies.

Analyzing a high school math textbook would show that a significant theorem was contributed to it by which Greek scholar?(1 point)






What was Euclid’s contribution to mathematics that’s still in use today?(1 point)


his system of logic
his system of logic

his textbook The Elements
his textbook The Elements

his measurement of the size of the Earth
his measurement of the size of the Earth

his design of the sun-centered solar system

his textbook The Elements

Which of the following presents a way that the Greeks were culturally united?(1 point)


The city-states shared monotheistic religious beliefs.
The city-states shared monotheistic religious beliefs.

The poleis came together to participate in the Olympic Games.
The poleis came together to participate in the Olympic Games.

Each polis favored Athena to watch over its city.
Each polis favored Athena to watch over its city.

The poleis had a common system of government.
The poleis had a common system of government.

The poleis came together to participate in the Olympic Games.

The cultural role of the Greek god Zeus, the supreme deity Greeks worshipped, can be identified by looking at the different ways in which Zeus was revered and honored by the ancient Greeks.

Firstly, the Greeks dedicated festivals featuring athletic competitions to Zeus. These festivals, such as the Olympic Games, were held every four years in ancient Greece and were a way for the Greeks to showcase their physical prowess and athletic abilities. Zeus was seen as the guardian of athletes and was believed to preside over these competitions, so they were dedicated to him.

Additionally, the Greeks dedicated festivals featuring theatrical performances to Zeus. Theater held a significant cultural importance in ancient Greece, and many festivals were held in honor of various gods, with Zeus being one of them. These theatrical performances allowed the Greeks to express their creativity and pay homage to their deities, including Zeus.

Furthermore, people and soldiers would pray to Zeus for a safe return from war. Zeus was considered the protector of warriors and had the power to influence the outcomes of battles. It was believed that praying to Zeus would increase the chances of a soldier returning safely from war. This demonstrates the cultural role of Zeus as a deity who provided a sense of hope and protection in times of conflict.

Lastly, the Greeks would also pray to Zeus to find love. Zeus was associated with romantic love and it was believed that praying to him would help people find love or strengthen existing relationships. This highlights Zeus' role as a deity who governed various aspects of human life, including matters of the heart.

In summary, the cultural role of Zeus, the Greek supreme deity, included being honored through festivals featuring athletic competitions and theatrical performances. People and soldiers would also pray to Zeus for protection during war, and he was associated with romantic love. Through these various roles, Zeus played a significant part in the cultural and religious practices of ancient Greece.

The Greeks would pray to Zeus to find love.
