What is 0.54 written as a fraction? (1 point)

0.54 can be written as the fraction 54/100 or as the simplified fraction 27/50.

What is 0.825 written as a fraction?(1 point)

0.825 can be written as the fraction 825/1000 or as the simplified fraction 33/40.

What is 6.4 written as a fraction?(1 point)

6.4 can be written as the fraction 6 2/5

What is 0.5 written as a fraction?(1 point)

0.5 can be written as the fraction 1/2.

Brigid is building a table with her mom as a weekend project. She needs 5.875 feet of wood. What is this amount as a fraction?(1 point)

5.875 feet can be written as the fraction 23/4.

Brigid is building a table with her mom as a weekend project. She needs 5.875 feet of wood. What is this amount as a fraction? (1 point) Write the fraction simplified.