What are some examples of WebMail folders you could create to stay organized?

O specific course names (e.g., Biology, English I)
• School Clubs and Events
O School Test Information
O all of the above

Some examples of WebMail folders you could create to stay organized are:

1. Biology
2. English I
3. School Clubs and Events
4. School Test Information

To stay organized with your WebMail folders, here are some examples you could create:

1. Specific Course Names: Create folders for each of your courses to keep track of important emails related to them. For example, folders like Biology, English I, Math, etc.

2. School Clubs and Events: If you are involved in extracurricular activities or school clubs, you can create folders for each club/event. This way, you can keep emails related to specific clubs or upcoming events separate and easily accessible.

3. School Test Information: Creating a folder specifically for test-related emails can be helpful. You can organize emails related to test schedules, study materials, and any other information that is important for your exams.

4. All of the Above: Alternatively, you can create all of these folders to cover different aspects of your organizational needs. This allows you to compartmentalize your emails and find them easily based on their category.

Remember, the key is to create folders that work best for you and your needs. Personalize them to suit your organizational style and stay on top of important emails.