Randy Johnson, a hall-of-fame baseball pitcher, could throw a baseball 100 miles per hour. How fast could he throw the baseball in feet per second? (HINT: There are 5,280 feet in a mile.) a) 146.67 ft/s b) 147.83 ft/s c) 160 ft/s d) 161.33 ft/s

We can convert miles per hour to feet per second by multiplying the given speed in miles per hour by the conversion factor.

The conversion factor is the number of feet in a mile divided by the number of seconds in an hour.
Therefore, the speed in feet per second is 100 * (5,280/3,600) = 146.67 ft/s.

So, the correct option is a) 146.67 ft/s.

To determine how fast Randy Johnson could throw a baseball in feet per second, we need to convert miles per hour to feet per second.

Given that there are 5,280 feet in a mile, we can convert 100 miles per hour to feet per hour by multiplying by 5,280:
100 miles/hour * 5,280 feet/mile = 528,000 feet/hour

To get the speed in feet per second, we divide this by the number of seconds in an hour (60 minutes, 60 seconds):
528,000 feet/hour / (60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute) = 146.67 feet/second

Therefore, the correct answer is a) 146.67 ft/s.