what kind of number is -19

-19 is a negative integer.

what kind of number is 2

2 is a positive integer.

what kind of number is 3/8

3/8 is a fraction, specifically a proper fraction.

The number -19 is an integer. Specifically, it is a negative integer. Integers are whole numbers that can be positive or negative, including zero.

The number -19 is an integer, specifically a negative integer. It is a whole number that is less than zero.

To identify what kind of number -19 is, you can consider its properties. In this case, the negative sign (-) indicates that -19 is less than zero, making it a negative number. By definition, negative numbers are numbers less than zero.

It's important to note that -19 is not a fraction or a decimal, as it does not have a fractional or decimal part.