what is 4.65 converted to a fraction the answer should be given in the simplest form.

To convert 4.65 to a fraction, we can first write it as a mixed number.

The whole number part is 4, and the decimal part is 0.65.

To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we can observe that 0.65 can be written as 65/100.

Now, we can simplify 65/100 by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 5.

65 ÷ 5 = 13
100 ÷ 5 = 20

Therefore, 0.65 can be simplified to 13/20.

Combining the whole number part, 4, with the fractional part, 13/20, we have:

4 + 13/20 = 80/20 + 13/20

Since the fractions have the same denominator, we can simply add the numerators:

80 + 13 = 93

The final answer in simplest form is 93/20.

To convert 4.65 into a fraction, we need to carefully place the decimal point. Since there are two digits after the decimal point, we can write 4.65 as a fraction by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 100 to remove the decimal.

4.65 * 100 = 465

Therefore, 4.65 as a fraction in its simplest form is 465/100.