On a number line, what is the distance between -57 and 13?

To find the distance between -57 and 13 on a number line, we calculate the absolute value of the difference between the two numbers. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line.

Distance = |13 - (-57)| = |13 + 57| = |70| = 70.

Therefore, the distance between -57 and 13 is 70 units.

To find the distance between -57 and 13 on a number line, we can subtract the smaller number from the larger number. In this case, 13 is the larger number and -57 is the smaller number.

Distance = Larger number - Smaller number
Distance = 13 - (-57)
Distance = 13 + 57

Performing the addition:
Distance = 70

Therefore, the distance between -57 and 13 on the number line is 70.