My father said I qwoked or what ever what does that mean

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the phrase "I qwoked or what ever." It may not be a commonly used phrase or could be a typographical error. Could you provide any additional context or clarification?

It seems like you've mentioned a word or phrase, "qwoked," that you are unsure about the meaning of. However, "qwoked" does not appear to be a recognized English word. It is possible that it is a misspelling or a slang term specific to a certain region or group.

To better understand the meaning of "qwoked," you may consider the following steps:

1. Confirm the spelling: Ensure that the word is spelled correctly. It might be helpful to double-check with your father or the context in which it was used.

2. Ask for clarification: Approach your father and ask him to explain what he meant when he used the word "qwoked." This will provide the most accurate answer regarding its meaning.

3. Seek additional context: If your father is unable to clarify the term, try to recall any other information or context that might help in understanding its meaning. Consider the conversation or situation in which it was used.

4. Research the word: If "qwoked" is a term you are unable to clarify through the previous steps, search for it online. It is possible that it could be a lesser-known slang term or a regional dialect expression.

Remember, without further information, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer. Clarifying with your father or conducting further research may help you understand the meaning of "qwoked."