Simplify the expression:

15-3[2+6(-3)] show your work

We follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) to simplify the expression:

First, we simplify within the parentheses: 2 + 6(-3) = 2 + (-18) = -16.

Now, we have: 15 - 3(-16).

Next, we apply the distributive property: 15 - 3(-16) = 15 - (-48) = 15 + 48.

Now, we can add 15 and 48: 15 + 48 = 63.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 63.

To simplify the expression 15 - 3[2 + 6(-3)], let's first simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

6(-3) = -18

Now the expression becomes:

15 - 3[2 + (-18)]

Next, simplify the expression inside the brackets:

2 + (-18) = -16

Now the expression becomes:

15 - 3[-16]

Multiply -3 by -16:

-3 * -16 = 48

Now the expression becomes:

15 - 48

Subtract 48 from 15:

15 - 48 = -33

Therefore, the simplified expression is -33.