make an good, short and easy to understand script for running for homeroom representative using this information.

I will make American international school give the option of shorts on formal days instead of long pants.
i will get 5 minutes extra of recess for all the students.
I will make sure that octopus cards can be used on top of student id cards.

Title: Homeroom Representative - Short Script

[Scene: A school auditorium, where a homeroom representative election is taking place.]

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have a fabulous candidate running for the position of Homeroom Representative today. Let's welcome our candidate, [Your Name]!

[Crowd claps and cheers as you step forward.]

You: Thank you all for being here today. My name is [Your Name], and I am running for Homeroom Representative. I have three ideas that I believe will greatly benefit our school and make our daily lives as students much better.

Firstly, I will advocate for an option of shorts on formal days, instead of the mandatory long pants. As students, we deserve comfort in our learning environment. By implementing this change, we can ensure that each one of us feels more at ease and able to concentrate on our studies, even during those special occasions when we must dress up. It's time for a change that benefits all of us!

[Applause and nods of agreement from the audience.]

You: Secondly, I am committed to fighting for an additional 5 minutes of recess for all students. Five minutes might not seem like a lot, but those extra precious minutes of playtime can make a significant difference in our overall well-being and happiness. This added break will allow us to recharge, socialize, and engage in physical activities, ultimately boosting our academic performance and overall enjoyment of school life.

[Crowd cheers enthusiastically.]

You: Lastly, I find it inconvenient that we can only use our student ID cards for limited purposes. I pledge to work towards allowing Octopus cards, popular transportation cards used outside of school, to be utilized on top of our student ID cards. Imagine the convenience of using a single card for both school-related transactions and public transportation! This integration will make commuting to and from school much easier for all of us.

[Excited murmurs spread through the crowd.]

You: These three proposals might seem small, but they have the potential to greatly improve our experience as students at [Name of School]. I am running for Homeroom Representative to be a liaison between the students and the administration, fighting for changes that truly matter to us.

[Crowd erupts in applause and cheers.]

You: Remember, together we are stronger. So, let's make a positive change and create a better school environment for all of us. With your support, we can accomplish meaningful improvements. Thank you!

[You smile, wave, and exit the stage amidst thunderous applause.]

[End of script.]

Title: Homeroom Representative Speech - Step-by-Step Guide

1. Begin with a warm greeting and introduce yourself.
2. Express your enthusiasm for running as Homeroom Representative.
3. Briefly mention why you believe you are the best candidate for the role.

Step 1: Introduce Your First Proposal - Shorts on Formal Days
1. Start by addressing the issue of formal dress code.
2. Explain that you want to give students the option to wear shorts on formal days.
3. Emphasize the benefits, such as increased comfort and improved overall well-being of the students.
4. Mention previous successful experiences of other schools implementing similar policies.
5. Explain how this proposal meets the needs and preferences of the student body.

Transition: "Now, let's move on to my second proposal..."

Step 2: Extra 5 Minutes of Recess for All Students
1. Highlight the importance of physical activity and its positive impact on academic performance.
2. Propose the idea of adding an extra 5 minutes to the current recess duration.
3. Mention studies and research linking physical activity and cognitive development.
4. Highlight how this additional time will provide students with more opportunities for exercise, socializing, and stress relief.
5. Discuss how this proposal aligns with the school's focus on promoting student well-being.

Transition: "Lastly, I would like to present my final proposal..."

Step 3: Octopus Card Integration with Student ID Cards
1. Address the hassle and inconvenience of managing multiple cards for school-related purposes.
2. Propose integrating Octopus cards (or similar smart cards) with student ID cards.
3. Explain the benefits of having one card for multiple functions, such as accessing public transportation and school facilities.
4. Mention the ease of use, reducing the risk of students forgetting or misplacing important cards.
5. Highlight how this proposal promotes efficiency and convenience for both students and staff.

1. Summarize your three proposals briefly.
2. Reiterate your commitment and passion for improving the student experience.
3. Express gratitude for the opportunity and encourage everyone to vote for you.
4. Close with a memorable slogan or call to action to leave a lasting impression.

Remember, tailor the script to your own voice and communication style to make it more personal and engaging. Good luck with your homeroom representative campaign!