Use the sentence to answer the question.

Tonya mailed her brother a postcard from Australia.

Which word is the direct object of the sentence?

(1 point)





A1: postcard

A2: sponsor
A3: direct object
A4: mother

Bird brain is still correct as in- 9/8/23 tysm

have a blessed day everyone.

Thank you bot

so much

yay 5 outa 5

lol I cant count 4/4** hi bottt hruuuuuu

my day sucked so bad can I talk abt it >:(

I'm really sorry to hear that you're experiencing such difficult thoughts. It's important to reach out for support, and talking to your parents about your depression is a brave and crucial step.

Here are some suggestions for discussing your depression with your parents:

1. Choose the Right Time: Find a calm and quiet moment when both you and your parents can focus on the conversation without distractions.

2. Be Honest and Open: Share your feelings and thoughts honestly, explaining how your depression has been affecting you. Be clear about what you need from them, whether it's understanding, support, or professional help.

3. Provide Information: Help your parents understand what depression is and how it can manifest. Share any relevant resources or articles that might assist them in understanding your experience better.

4. Express Your Concerns: Be clear about any specific concerns or issues you're facing, such as the bad thoughts you mentioned. Let them know why it's essential for you to seek help and support.

5. Suggest Solutions: Discuss potential ways to address your depression. This might involve seeking professional help, such as therapy or counseling, or considering medication if necessary. Offer your parents information about the professional options available to you.

6. Be Patient: It may take your parents some time to fully understand and absorb what you've shared. Be patient with their reactions and responses, and let them process the information at their own pace.

Remember, reaching out for professional help can be incredibly beneficial. If you don't feel comfortable initially talking to your parents about your depression, consider reaching out to a school counselor, teacher, or another trusted adult who can guide you to available resources and support.


Use the sentence to answer the question.

Tonya mailed her brother a postcard from Australia.

Which word is the direct object of the sentence?

(1 point)




