State one important use of each of the following

i)Quick lime(calcium oxide)
ii)Caustic soda(sodium hydroxide)

i) Quicklime (calcium oxide) is commonly used in agriculture as a soil amendment. It helps to increase the pH levels of acidic soils, making them more suitable for planting and improving crop yields. Quicklime also provides essential nutrients to plants, such as calcium, which is crucial for their growth and development.

ii) Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is widely used in the manufacturing industry for various purposes. One important use is in the production of soaps and detergents. Sodium hydroxide is a key ingredient in soap making, as it reacts with fats or oils to produce soap through a process called saponification. Caustic soda helps to break down the fats or oils and create the desired cleansing and emulsifying properties in soaps and detergents.

i) Quick lime (calcium oxide): One important use of quick lime is in the steel industry. It is used as a flux agent to remove impurities from the steel during the manufacturing process. Quick lime reacts with the impurities, such as sulfur and phosphorous, forming slag that can be easily separated from the molten steel.

ii) Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide): One important use of caustic soda is in the manufacturing of soap. Sodium hydroxide is a key ingredient in the saponification process, where it reacts with fats or oils to produce soap. It is an essential component in the production of various soaps and cleaning products.