Part-time sales assistant:

Place: Fryers department store

Hourly Rate: $18 per hour

Work: 9am –2pm Monday – Friday

No experience necessary

Full-Time assistant:

Place: Legal Eagles Barristers

Hourly Rate: $19 per hour

Hours of Work: 8:30am – 5 Pm

Office administration experience preferred.

Kitchen Chaos: Casual Barista Hourly Rate: $21 per hour Hours of work 20-25 hours per week (mostly nights and weekends) Must be hardworking and outgoing

Fill out the table below using evidence from the job listings above:

Work Options

Negatives/ Costs


Option 1: Part- time sales assistant

$18 per hour

Option 2: Full-time assistant at Legal Eagles

Option 3: casual barista

No sick/ paid leave

Casual work which means it is flexible hours

Option 1: Part-time sales assistant:

Negatives/ Costs:
- Limited hours (9am-2pm Monday-Friday)
- No specified benefits or leave entitlements

- Hourly rate of $18 per hour
- No experience necessary

Option 2: Full-time assistant at Legal Eagles:

Negatives/ Costs:
- Longer working hours (8:30am-5pm)
- Office administration experience preferred

- Hourly rate of $19 per hour

Option 3: Casual barista:

Negatives/ Costs:
- Irregular working hours, mostly nights and weekends
- No sick or paid leave

- Higher hourly rate of $21 per hour
- Hardworking and outgoing nature required for the job
- Casual work allows for flexibility in scheduling.

Identify the following:

Who pays the highest

Offers the most hours

Highest income per week

Suits Ravi's study requirements

Suits Ravi's skills

Suit Ravi's future career goals

Who pays the highest:

The casual barista position at Kitchen Chaos pays the highest with an hourly rate of $21 per hour.

Offers the most hours:

The full-time assistant position at Legal Eagles offers the most hours with a working schedule of 8:30am-5pm.

Highest income per week:

The casual barista position at Kitchen Chaos has the potential for the highest income per week, as it offers an hourly rate of $21 and requires 20-25 hours per week.

Suits Ravi's study requirements:

Since Ravi's study requirements are not mentioned, it is unclear which position would suit him in terms of his study requirements.

Suits Ravi's skills:

Since Ravi's skills are not mentioned, it is unclear which position would suit him in terms of his skills.

Suits Ravi's future career goals:

Since Ravi's future career goals are not mentioned, it is unclear which position would suit him in terms of his future career goals.

Work Options Negatives/ Costs Positives

Option 1: Part-time sales assistant - Limited to Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm - No office administration experience required $18 per hour - Limited work hours - No experience necessary
Option 2: Full-time assistant at Legal Eagles - Fixed hours from 8:30am-5pm - Office administration experience preferred $19 per hour - Stable full-time employment - Higher hourly rate
Option 3: Casual barista - Mostly night and weekend shifts - No sick/paid leave - Must be hardworking and outgoing $21 per hour - Flexible work hours - Higher hourly rate