In 3–5 sentences, answer the following question: Why did European trade lead to greater global interdependence? (4 points)

European trade led to greater global interdependence because it fostered the development of new trade routes and the exchange of goods between Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. This resulted in the integration of various economies and the creation of a global network of interconnected trade. European nations also established colonies and trading posts around the world, which facilitated economic and cultural exchanges between different regions. Additionally, the demand for resources and goods from Europe incentivized the expansion and integration of global markets.

European trade led to greater global interdependence due to several factors. Firstly, the expansion of trade networks, such as the Silk Road and the Atlantic trade routes, connected Europe with regions across the globe. The exchange of goods, technology, and ideas fostered economic and cultural interconnections. Additionally, the establishment of colonial empires by European powers created a network of economic dependencies, as resources were extracted from colonies and sent back to Europe. Finally, European trade also led to the emergence of international organizations and treaties, promoting cooperation and interdependence among nations.