An industry research group gathered salary information from four random graphic designers who work full-time in the field. Which salary is closest to the industry average?

A. $63,000
B. $52,000
C. $39,000
D. $48,000

To determine which salary is closest to the industry average, we need to calculate the industry average based on the salaries of the four graphic designers. Let's find the average of the given salaries.

The four salaries are: $63,000, $52,000, $39,000, and $48,000.

The average salary is calculated by adding up all the salaries and dividing by the number of salaries.

Average salary = (63,000 + 52,000 + 39,000 + 48,000) / 4

Average salary = 202,000 / 4

Average salary = 50,500

The industry average is $50,500.

To find the salary closest to the industry average, we need to determine which option is the nearest.

The differences between the industry average and each given salary are as follows:

A. $50,500 - $63,000 = -$12,500
B. $50,500 - $52,000 = - $1,500
C. $50,500 - $39,000 = $11,500
D. $50,500 - $48,000 = $2,500

Among the given options, the salary that is closest to the industry average is C. $39,000.

To find the salary closest to the industry average, we need to calculate the average salary of the four graphic designers first.

The average salary can be found by summing up all the salaries and dividing by the total number of designers.

Let's calculate the average salary:
(63,000 + 52,000 + 39,000 + 48,000) ÷ 4 = $50,500

Now, let's compare the average salary with the given options:
A. $63,000 - The difference between the average and $63,000 is $63,000 - $50,500 = $12,500.
B. $52,000 - The difference between the average and $52,000 is $52,000 - $50,500 = $1,500.
C. $39,000 - The difference between the average and $39,000 is $39,000 - $50,500 = $11,500.
D. $48,000 - The difference between the average and $48,000 is $48,000 - $50,500 = -$2,500.

Based on the calculated differences, the salary closest to the industry average is option B: $52,000.